Prevalence of apical periodontitis in a Chinese subpopulation detected in cone beam CT images
稿件编号:51 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2021-10-30 07:03:26 浏览:942次
Purpose: As a common oral disease,Apical periodontitis (AP) was often reported to misdiagnosed by periapical radiography. By contrast,CBCT has higher sensitivity and specificity. So we try to use Cone Beam Computer Tomography(CBCT) in the diagnosis of AP.The study aims to investigate the prevalence of AP, the severity of periapical lesions and dental treatment,using CBCT scans in an adult Chinese population.
Methods: All CBCT scans were taken at West China Hospital of Stomatology Sichuan University between January 2012 and December 2012 in this study.They received these scans for various reasons. The CBCT images were viewed by two examiners collectively (an experienced endodontist and an experienced radiologist respectively). For all scans, the age,total number of teeth, teeth with evidence of AP, number of endodontically treated teeth and location of teeth of each patient were considered. Percentages and the χ2 test were used for statistical analysis.
Results: 3552 patients and 39810 teeth were assessed in this study. AP was found in 7.79% teeth. Higher prevalence of AP was found in molars (P<0.05), and the prevalence of AP increased with age. Different endodontically treatment had effect on the prevalence of AP, and 68.36% root filled teeth presented periapical lesion on CBCT. The severity of AP was moderate in more than 60% teeth, and bone destruction was easily found in anterior teeth. In all teeth with AP, the rate of root filled was 61.30%. Higher rate of root filled was found in young patients and anterior teeth.Age and location of teeth had effect on the prevalence and treatment of AP. Root filled teeth had higher prevalence of AP.
apical periodontitis; root canal treatment; Cone Beam Computer Tomography; epidiomology
媛媛 刘
莉 刘
虎 王
蓓 唐