[Invited speech]Radiomics and Its Clinical Application Based on Artificial Intelligence and Medical Big Data

Radiomics and Its Clinical Application Based on Artificial Intelligence and Medical Big Data
ID:19 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-11-10 10:12:56 Hits:1024 Invited speech

Start Time:2021-11-13 08:25 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[PS1] Plenary Session 1 » [SatMS] Saturday Morning Session

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In recent years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and medical big data has spawned the development of Radiomics. Radiomics is a novel technique which treats medical images from computer tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound (US) as minable data and extracts thousands of quantitative image features to character the phenotype of cancers. Radiomics can integrate image features, gene information and clinical factors of the patients for intelligent cancer diagnosis, intelligent treatment evaluation, and intelligent cancer prognosis.
In view of the impressing clinical application prospects of Radiomics, the international academia, famous scientific and technological companies carried out a lot of research on Radiomics. Typical works included intelligent identification of skin cancer, detection of diabetic retinopathy, association of image and gene in glioma, prediction of lymph node metastasis in colorectal cancer. These researches show the advantages of Radiomics in processing medical big data.
This talk focuses on the emerging Radiomics technology, including three parts: research background, research content, and future direction. The first part introduces the generation of Radiomics based on artificial intelligence and medical big data. The second part includes the typical clinical application and technical details of Radiomics. The last part shows the future direction of Radiomics.

Jie Tian
Professor The Key Laboratory of Molecular Imaging Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. Jie Tian received his PhD degree (with honors) in artificial intelligence from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993. Since 1997, he has been a professor at  Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Tian has been elected as the Fellow of AAAS,ISMRM, AIMBE,  IEEE, OSA, SPIE, and IAPR. He serves as the editorial board member of European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, European Radiology, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, and Photoacoustics. He also serves as an advisory board member for Physics in Medicine & Biology. Dr. Tian has more than 100 granted patents in China and six patents in the United States. He is the author of over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, including publication in Journal of Clinical Oncology,Nature biomedical engineering, Nature Communications, Gastroenterology, PNAS, Clinical Cancer Research, Radiology, IEEE TMI, TBE,JBO and many other journals, and these articles received about over 35,000 Google Scholar citations(H-index 93). He is the editor of five academic books in the field of medical imaging, and his book, Molecular Imaging Fundamentals and Applications, is sold online for over 68,000 times.  He is one of the founders of Chinese Society for Molecular Imaging (CSMI), and was elected as the first president of CSMI (2010-2017).Dr. Tian is recognized as a pioneer and a leader in China in the field of molecular imaging. In the last two decades, he has developed a series of new optical imaging models and reconstruction algorithms for in vivo optical tomographic imaging, including bioluminescence tomography, fluorescence molecular tomography, and Cerenkov luminescence tomography. He has developed various types of molecular imaging instrumentations, such as optical-CT-MRI-PET hybrid multimodality imaging system, optical projection tomography system, endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system, photoacoustic and fluorescence hybrid imaging system, etc. He has developed new artificial intelligence strategies for medical imaging big data analysis in the field of Radiomics, and played a major role in establishing a standardized Radiomics database with more than 100,000 cancer patients data collected from over 60 hospitals all over China.
Currently, he is translating novel intraoperative fluorescence imaging technologies, including new optical molecular imaging systems and molecular probes, for navigating liver cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer surgeries in multi-center clinical trials in China. He has received $60 million from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (CMST). He has received numerous awards, including five national top awards for his outstanding work in medical imaging.

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