[Invited speech]MR guided Laser Interstitial Thermotherapy (LITT) and Preliminary Clinical Applications

MR guided Laser Interstitial Thermotherapy (LITT) and Preliminary Clinical Applications
ID:26 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-11-05 16:55:53 Hits:810 Invited speech

Start Time:2021-11-13 13:55 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[MR1] Workshop on MRI Session 1 » [MRI1] Workshop on MRI Session 1

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MR-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy (MRgLITT) is a minimally invasive therapeutic method which has created new options for lesion treatment especially for surgically challenging situations. Most MRgLITT procedures depend on proton resonance frequency (PRF) shift-based MR thermometry. However, it can be hampered by the magnetic susceptibility changes generated during laser ablation treatment. In this report, we will demonstrate for the first time that laser heating induced susceptibility changes can lead to significant temperature errors, including ex-vivo (pig mussel tissues), in-vivo (Dobermans) and clinical (patients with epilepsy) results. We will also report the operation procedures of MRgLITT and preliminary clinical applications.
Hua Guo
Professor Tsinghua University

Hua Guo, Ph.D., is a tenured associate professor at Center for Biomedical Imaging Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Tsinghua University in Beijing. He received his Ph.D. from the department of Biomedical Engineering at Duke University in 2006. He was on the faculty of Medical Center of New York University from 2008 to 2010. Before that, he once worked in Siemens as a scientist and at the University of Hong Kong as a postdoc. The primary research of Dr. Guo’s lab is focused on two core areas in MRI. One is MRI physics including novel sequence design and image reconstruction, which can potentially provide high spatiotemporal resolution and multi-parametric quantitative imaging. Particularly, he and his team are working on advanced neuroimaging techniques. The other area is cost effective MRI by using advanced computation power, new hardware and AI techniques. Dr. Guo has been serving on the editorial board of several scientific journals and is an active reviewer for more than 10 MRI related journals. He will serve on the MRM editorial board from 2021 to 2024. He and his team have published more than 80 peer reviewed papers and 200 meeting abstracts.

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Conference date: 2021-11-12~2021-11-14


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