Radiographic evaluation on stafne bone defects using dental cone beam computed tomography
Submission ID:45 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2021-11-08 20:38:38
Oral Presentation
Purpose: To accurately evaluate the imaging characteristics of 32 patients with Stafne bone defect (SBD) using CBCT images.
Methods: The radiographic data were collected from 32 SBD cases. First, the age, sex, location and the clinical diagnosis of the patient were collected. Additionally, the relationship between the defect and the adjacent anatomical structures such as the mandibular inferior cortex and mandibular canal were recorded. The situation of the buccal cortex were also described. The correlation between age and size was evaluated using Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Results: Mean patient age was 53.30 years. Men (n=28) were more affected than women (n=4). The occurrence in the right (n=21, 65.625%) side was slightly higher. 14 defects were diagnosed as “cyst” and only 2 patients were diagnosed correctly. The relationship to the mandibular canal was categorized as separated (37.50%), contacted (18.75%), or go-through (43.75%). The relationship to the mandibular inferior cortex was classified as separated (21.88%), contacted (37.50%), or resorbed (40.62%). The situation of the buccal cortical was defined as: separated (25%), contacted (18.75%), thinning (31.25%), expanded and thinning (18.75%), or discontinuity (6.25%). The mean size on CBCT was 15.27 mm in length, 9.36 mm in height and the Pear- son's correlation coefficient showed no obvious correlation between age and length or the depth. The CBCT showed that the relationship of the defect to the adjacent anatomical structures was more closer than it in the plain images. The adiographic imaging features of SBD can help to improve the diagnostic accuracy.
Stafne bone defect; Cone beam computed tomography; Panoramic radiographs; Imaging characteristics;
Submission Author
蓓 唐
凯利 王
虎 王
家银 任
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