[Oral Presentation]Analysis of clinical and CT features of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the jaw

Analysis of clinical and CT features of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the jaw
ID:5 Submission ID:41 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-10-30 07:00:08 Hits:1042 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-11-13 15:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[PS1] Plenary Session 1 » [OR1] Workshop on Oral Radiology

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Objectives: To explore the clinical and computed tomography (CT) features of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the jaw (MAJ) with oral and maxillofacial lesions as the first symptom.
Methods: Fourteen cases of MAJ from 2006 to 2020 were collected, and clinical and CT features were analysed retrospectively.
Results: The primary sites were the lung (n = 6), liver (n = 4), kidney (n = 2), prostate (n = 1) and gastric cardia (n = 1). A radiological classification scheme of five types was tentatively proposed to discuss the complex CT features. Five cases were classified as osteolytic type with a permeative margin (100%, P < 0.05), and three were classified as mixed type, mostly with a moth-eaten margin (80%, P < 0.05). Cystic (n = 3) and alveolar bone resorption (n = 1) types had geographic margins, and osteoblastic-type (n = 1) had sclerotic margins. Moreover, nine cases showed periosteal reaction and five showed localised soft tissue mass, while the occurrence of jaw expansion was relatively rare.
Conclusions: MAJ is predominant in middle-aged and elderly men, and the most common site is the posterior mandible. This is the first time that a cystic and alveolar bone resorption type are proposed tentatively based on the jawbone structure. MAJ is characterised by numb chin syndrome (SCN), as well as a rapidly progressive osteolytic bone destruction with periosteal reaction and localised soft tissue mass, usually without jaw expansion on CT, which provides a basis for the clinical diagnosis of MAJ in the future.
Metastasis, Adenocarcinoma, Jawbone, Characteristic feature, Computed tomography
姗 单
研究生 18361278383

Submission Author
姗 单 18361278383
振宇 杨 南京市口腔医院
澍 刘 南京市口腔医院
铁梅 王 南京市口腔医院
梓桐 林 南京市口腔医院
英连 冯 南京市口腔医院
色依提 帕克扎提 南京市口腔医院
晓峰 黄 南京市口腔医院
磊 张 南京市口腔医院
国文 孙 南京市口腔医院
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