[Oral Presentation]Design and Study of the Customized Breast Receiving Coil for Interventional MRI at 0.35T

Design and Study of the Customized Breast Receiving Coil for Interventional MRI at 0.35T
ID:84 Submission ID:78 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-11-09 16:23:38 Hits:1045 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-11-13 14:55 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[PS1] Plenary Session 1 » [MR1] Workshop on MRI Session 1

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Recently, the incidence of breast cancer has been increasing year by year, and now it ranks first among female malignant tumors, and it is gradually becoming younger. MRIguided interventional diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer have become the focus of research. High field studies have shown the diagnostic value of breast MRI, but the examination costs greatly exceed those of competing conventional mammography. Low field MRI offers typical MRI contrast at a substantially lower cost. SNR for the particular pulse sequence and magnet field strength is strongly influenced by the characteristics of the radio-frequency coil. An optimal breast coil should yield excellent SNR but also generate a homogeneous B1 field while maintaining patient comfort. RF receiver coil design is a key determinant of image quality, thus to address this we have designed and constructed a low field breast imaging coil. In this study, starting from the signal receiving end, a customized coil for MRI image-guided breast intervention was designed under a 0.35T low-field MRI system. The results show that the coil design is convenient for medical intervention operations, and the coil presents a relatively good SNR and uniformity characteristics, which has the significance of further research.
MRI,breast cancer,Orthogonal coil,Interventional MRI,Low-field MRI,SNR,Uniformity
Qingyun Liu
University of Science and Technology of China

School:University of Science and Technology of China.
Department:Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale and the Centers for Biomedical Engineering.

Submission Author
Qingyun Liu University of Science and Technology of China
Huiyu Du University of Science and Technology of China
Qing Zhang University of Science and Technology of China
Yufu Zhou University of Science and Technology of China
Lier Yan University of Science and Technology of China
Kecheng Yuan University of Science and Technology of China
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Conference date: 2021-11-12~2021-11-14


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