[Oral Presentation]Application of Deep-Learning Based Monte Carlo Denoising for Fast Radiation Treatment Dose Calculations

Application of Deep-Learning Based Monte Carlo Denoising for Fast Radiation Treatment Dose Calculations
ID:104 Submission ID:75 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-10-30 22:37:56 Hits:1072 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-11-14 15:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[PS1] Plenary Session 1 » [US1] Workshop on Ultra Sound

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Cancer is a primary cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The radiotherapy plays a more and more important role in cancer treatment. In the radiotherapy, the dose distribution maps in patient need to be calculated and evaluated for the purpose of killing tumor and protecting healthy tissue. Monte Carlo (MC) radiation transport calculation is able to account for all aspects of radiological physics within 3D heterogeneous media such as the human body and generate the dose distribution maps accurately. However, an MC calculation for doses in radiotherapy usually takes a great mass of time to achieve acceptable statistical uncertainty, impeding the MC methods from wider clinic applications. Here we introduce a convolutional neural network (CNN), termed as Monte Carlo Denoising Net (MCDNet), to achieve the acceleration of the MC dose calculations in radiotherapy, which is trained to directly predict the high-photon (noise-free) dose maps from the low-photon (noise-much) dose maps. Thirty patients with postoperative rectal cancer who accepted intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) were enrolled in this study. 3D Gamma Index Passing Rate (GIPR) is used to evaluate the performance of predicted dose maps. The experimental results demonstrate that the MCDNet can improve the GIPR of dose maps of 1×107 photons over that of 1×108 photons, yielding over 10× speed-up in terms of photon numbers used in the MC simulations of IMRT. It is of great potential to investigate the performance of this method on the other tumor sites and treatment modalities.
Radiotherapy,Monte Carlo simulation,deep neural network
昭 彭

Submission Author
昭 彭 中国科学技术大学
洪明 单 复旦大学
解平 周 中国科学技术大学第一附属医院
曦 裴 中国科学技术大学核医学物理研究所;安徽慧软科技有限公司
爱东 吴 中国科学技术大学第一附属医院
榭 徐 中国科学技术大学核医学物理研究所;中国科学技术大学附属第一医院放疗科;中国科学技术大学核科学技术学院
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